Briar Forest Super Neighborhood
Ashford Hollow (AHCIA) is one of the many neighborhoods that make up the Briarforest Super Neighborhood 18 or more commonly known as SN18. Our geographic boundaries are from the Briargrove Park neighborhood on the East to Dairy Ashford on the West, and Westheimer Road on the South and Memorial Drive to the North.
The Super Neighborhoods were formed to promote the civic betterment, social welfare, and well-being of the residents, business and property owners, and to promote and engage in activities for the betterment of the members of the organization. In addition, the group can use the general consensus of the group to influence the Houston City Council, the City of Houston Mayor's Office, and other entities on issues important to the Super Neighborhood, such as undertaking neighborhood improvement projects. For more information regarding the Super Neighborhood system, please review the official City of Houston Super Neighborhoods website.
Under the leadership of President Michael Huffmaster and other elected officers, we partner with our District G councilman Greg Travis and his office on the issues that are critical to our neighborhoods and residents. More District G news can be found on Councilman Travis' webiste.
Some sub-committees have been formed to address more in depth studies and projects and they have met with city council committees, the Mayor’s office, our police chief, as well as congressman John Culberson. Our State representative Jim Murphy often attends our meetings and recently gave us a briefing on the last legislative session in Austin.
Some major issues that the SN18 has been working on include:
- Flood control and drainage committee for the north side neighborhoods and Memorial area with 2-3 projects scheduled to begin this year
- Resurfacing for Dairy Ashford and Kirkwood
- Creating a non-profit receivership to take control of 3 run-down apartment complexes on Wilcrest Road
- Widening of Memorial Drive between Kirkwood and Dairy Ashford
- Reduction of crime on the West side
In addition, the SN18 has supported us in getting the esplanades on Dairy Ashford mulched and maintained as well as other neighborhood improvement projects specific to our SN18 group.
The meetings are monthly and open to the public, usually on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Briarwood School.
Ashford Hollow is in need of a person to be our delegate at the SN18 meetings. If you are interested, please contact the webmaster here.
Please visit the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood website for more information, history and links.
Click on the blue links above to read reports from attendees at SN18 meetings.