Welcome! Sunday 2/9/2025     1:58 PM  
Miscellaneous Websites

Helpful Numbers & Websites


HPD Non-emergency calls   713 - 884 - 3131

City of Houston Switchboard 3-1-1
Centerpoint Energy - Gas 713-659-2111
City of Houston Water 713-371-1400
West Houston Medical Center 281-558-3444
Herman Memorial City Hospital 713-932-3000
Westside High School 281-920-8000
West Briar Middle School 281-368-2140
Shadowbriar Elementary School 281-368-2160
Ashford Elementary School 281-368-2120

Helpful Links

Street Light Outage:

Street Light Outage Online Report:  Contact CenterPoint Energy (formerly Reliant) directly to report a street light outage for faster service instead of calling 311.   Be sure to make a note of the light pole's 6 digit number which is listed vertically on the pole.  CenterPoint Energy is responsible for the poles and lighting, not the City of Houston.


Download Outdoor Security Lighting.pdf for an article on Ten Tips to Maximize Your Outdoor Security Lighting Efforts

Summer Safety Tips for Kids - download a copy of HPD's Summer Safety for Kids Booklet.

Back to school Safety - HPD's booklet outlining back to school safety information

Staying Safe booklet from Harris County Pct 5 Constable.

Back to School Safety

As the summer draws to an end, it's time to prepare you and your child to go back to school. Being prepared is key to having an optimal learning environment. Here are some tips and reminders to make this school year a great one.


  • Be cautious when driving through school zones. When you see a school bus, use extra caution and watch for darting children.
  • Make sure your child knows his/her name, home phone number and address.
  • Go over safety and stranger danger rules- If you don't have a "code word" establish one now and teach your child about only going with adults who know the code word.
  • Get to know your children's friends.
  • Make sure your child knows playground etiquette as well as being patient and taking turns.

If you are a parent with older children:

  • If your child is staying home for the first time, talk to your children about rules for staying home alone and establish guidelines for when it is acceptable to answer the door or telephone.
  • Reinforce to your child to remain aware of their surroundings when alone.
  • Talk to your child about their day, classes, activities and friends.
  • Teach your child about setting goals and time management.

  For more "Back to School Safety Tips", visit http://houstontx.gov/police/pdfs/back2school.pdf.

Houston Police Department:

Houston Police Department Website - A direct link to HPD's website.

Citizen Alert Slip
Citizens can use this form to request increased patrols around their home or business for a prowler, speeding vehicle, excessive burglaries and thefts, being on vacation, or for reasons causing them concern in the "other" box.  Fill out the form and save a copy and email it to the West Side Division.  

Online Police Report - The purpose of this form is to allow Houston citizens to conveniently file police reports from home, work, or anywhere with Internet access. After completing the necessary information you will receive an actual incident number, and you will be able to print the report for your records.  This form can only be used for:
  • Theft (Up to $5,000 in total value, Non-vehicle Related) with no suspects or witnesses. If the total value of items is greater than $5,000, you cannot use this form. (Example: Your bicycle is stolen from your front yard.)
  • Criminal Mischief (up to $5,000 in damage, Non-vehicle Related) - Non-vehicle Related (such as vandalism or property damage) with no suspects and no witnesses. (Example: Someone intentionally damaged your property.)
For more information from HPD click here.


Tracking neighborhood crime is now easier thanks to new mapping functions available on the HPD website.

The same UCR reports and statistics will still be found on the website, however the previous map function has been replaced with the newer CrimeReports.com, which allows citizens to search for crimes in their area, receive crime alerts via email, and submit anonymous crime tips directly to Crime Stoppers.

A second map, provided by RaidsOnline, is also available through the HPD website. The website has multiple graphing and analytical tools provided by BAIR Analytics. This will allow users the ability to view density maps, and view and graph multiple data points.  

Crimes.com and RaidsOnline are providing these new mapping functions to the City for free.  The data is updated every 30 minutes.

Watch this short video on how to use the new features at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOEf9GC0GTo.

Explore the new crime maps at http://www.houstontx.gov/police/cs/


HPD "Offers Up" Safety Tips for Mobile Buy/Sell App Use

If you are one of the thousands of Houstonians using mobile buy/sell apps, the Houston Police Department wants you to be safe when making arrangements to purchase or sell items on mobile buy/sell websites or cell phone apps.  

Items are posted for sale on popular websites or social media apps, such as LetGo or OfferUp, and persons interested in making purchases communicate through the website.  Persons then arrange to meet to exchange money for the items sold.  

If you are going to make purchases or sell items using these apps or websites, follow these robbery prevention safety tips:   

  • If you are going to exchange money for property, do it in a public place (police station, public parking lot). 
  • If possible, have someone accompany you to the location.  
  • Don't invite strangers to your home or go to their residences.  
  • Perform transactions during daylight hours.  
  • Avoid displaying large amounts of cash. Take only the amount needed for the purchase.  
  • Utilize a proxy email rather than your regular email address to avoid revealing personal information.  
  • Trust your instincts and avoid uncomfortable situations. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.   

Hear HPD Robbery Division Senior Police Officer J. Brieden speak about safe ways to conduct transactions on the HPD YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/Ei2cvlDQeYg

If you are the victim of a robbery, remain calm and DO NOT resist.  Take no action that would jeopardize your safety. Follow the robber's directions, but do not volunteer more than asked for.  Make mental notes of anything unusual about the suspect, such as appearance, scars, tattoos or type of weapon used.  After the robbery, go to a safe location near the robbery scene and call police immediately.  

Anyone who has been a victim in these types of cases is urged to contact the HPD Robbery Division at 713-308-0700 or Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS.  

Remember that robbery is a crime of violence that threatens the safety and quality of life of a community.  It is a crime of opportunity that can be reduced through awareness and prevention.  For more information on robbery prevention and personal safety tips, visit http://www.houstontx.gov/police/keep_houston_safe/index.htm



City of Houston:

City of Houston Website - Here you can apply for a job, pay traffic tickets and water bills, find out about Houston events and the Mayor's Office of Special Events, and learn about the City government that serves you. View the City's Code of Ordinances and the City Charter. See our Houston WiFi site. View the homepage photo archive and send your favorite photo of Houston!

Online 3-1-1   Houston's non-emergency online city services directory and service request site.  Use this site instead of calling 3-1-1 to make a service request.  Their most popular service requests are:  report a pothole, street light out, traffic signal malfunction, graffeti removal, stray animal, sidewalk repair, etc...

City Of Houston Storm Risk Calculator:   This website provides residents of Harris County information about the risk they and their homes face from severe weather like hurricanes. In the event of an approaching hurricane or tropical storm, the site will provide information by address on the risk of damage from rainfall flooding and/or surge, risk of damage from wind, and the risk of power outages. 

City of Houston eNewsletters:   Visit this City of Houston webpage for archive copies of CitizensNet - the City's eNewsletter.  Or, check out the link at the top of this page to view the last couple of issues of CitizensNet.  If you would like to receive periodic emails on important City issues of interest to you and your neighborhood, please register here.

City Council District G Council Member - Greg Travis :  Please visit the District G website if you want to contact Greg or if you have issues or concerns about things happening in our area/district.

Harris County Flood Control:

Flood Control District Website. The system draws information from a network of 133 gauges that measure rainfall data and water levels in bayous and major streams throughout Harris County 24/7. The information is available on this website through a user-friendly interactive map. Residents can monitor bayou/stream levels near home, places of work and daily commute routes. Input an address and the interactive map will "zoom" to the nearest gauge station location. Current and historical rainfall and stream levels data can also be accessed. 

Access information about the 2018 HCFCD Bond Program at this link.

US Army Corps of Engineers Website:  Learn more about the Addicks and Barker Dams which impact our area.  A great website with a wealth of information.


Briar Forest Super Neighborhood

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