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2015 Monthly Meeting Reports

How to Survive an Active Shooter

January 15, 2015 H.P.D. P.I.P.

Our January presentation was by HPD's Public Affairs Community Liaison, Stephen Daniel, and the topic was "How to Survive an Active Shooter." These presentations are made available free to groups by contacting him at 713-308-3246 or Stephen.Daniel@Houstonpolice.org. It runs up to 1.5 hours, including videos, and is appropriate for groups of high school ages and older.

One video is by Alon Stivi and demonstrates how even high school students can defend themselves when trapped by a shooter on a mission to kill them. 31% of these horrific events occur in schools, K through 12, and another 10% occur in universities. Watching the videos would be a good thing for families to do together.Click on this link to watch the video.

The other video (click here to watch) was prepared by HPD and is now being shown all over the USA as the updated way to react in such a situation. Police tactics have evolved since dealing with such events as Columbine, and if you are mentally prepared with options, you are less likely to lose your life from being frozen with fear.

February Report on C.I.P. meeting 2/18/15

District G Councilman, Oliver Pennington, hosted a Capital Improvement Projects meeting at Revere Middle School, starting at 6:30pm on 2/18/15. Attendees were encouraged to arrive early and visit the various tables, staffed by the presenting city departments, before the meeting. There was also a table from Save Our Forest, an effort led by Briar Forest Super Neighborhood to place flood detention ponds in an upstream, less forested, Clodine area, rather than remove the trees, and bulldoze the habitat, along "our" section of Buffalo Bayou. (For more info, click this link)
Presenters comprised Finance, Public Works, ReBuild Houston (www.rebuildhouston.org), Water and Wastewater, Parks and Recreation, PlanHouston (www.PlanHouston.org) and Cultural Affairs. There were also presentations by various districts, including the Westchase District, by Irma Sanchez. I had never attended a C.I.P. meeting before, and I found it to be very interesting. Both ReBuild Houston and PlanHouston invite the public to explore their websites and leave some feedback. Citizens were invited to the microphone to ask questions at the end.
The Department of Public Works announced a new initiative to work more closely with the public, and have special meetings for major construction projects during the planning stages of those projects. Public Works has now set up an interactive map where citizens can see what C.I.P. projects - completed, under construction, or future - are affecting their neighborhoods. Enter www.pwecip.houstontx.gov into your browser. A window will appear with an optional tutorial. When you click on "close", the map will appear and you can move the cursor to your neighborhood and chose your area of interest. FYI, there is nothing major in Ashford Hollow's future: There is a Memorial drainage project planned from Kimberly to Perthshire, and a Dairy Ashford paving and drainage project from Buffalo Bayou to I-10..

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